Source code for opendelta.utils.structure_mapping

from typing import OrderedDict
import copy
import opendelta.utils.logging as logging
from opendelta.utils.visualization import Visualization
logger = logging.get_logger(__name__)

from opendelta.utils.common_structures import CoreMappings

MAPPINGERROR_MSG = f"Available Models with default configurations are {list(CoreMappings.keys())} . Please manually add the delta models by speicifying 'modified_modules' based on the visualization of your model structure. Refer to `` for detail."

def transform(org_key, mapping, strict=True, warning=False, verbose=False):
    chain = org_key.split(".")
    query = ""
    node = mapping

    new_chain = []
    virtual_key, virtual_chain, in_virtual_order = None, None, None
    for elem in chain:
        query += elem
        if query in node:
            node = node[query]
            new_elem = node["__name__"]
            if new_elem == "":
                if strict:
                    if warning:
                        print(f"'{org_key}' has no common mapping.")
                splited_new_elem = new_elem.split(".")
                splited_new_elem = [e+"@" for e in splited_new_elem]
                special_token = '.'.join(splited_new_elem)
                if '__virtual__' in node:
                    virtual_chain = copy.deepcopy(new_chain)
                    virtual_chain.append(".".join([e+'@' for e in node["__virtual__"].split(".")]))
                    in_virtual_order = node['__order__']
                new_chain.append(special_token) # special token for transformed key

            query = ""
        elif "$" in node:
            node = node["$"]
            query = ""
            query += "."
    if query!="":
        if strict:
            if warning:
                print("A part of the orginial key hasn't been matched!")
            new_chain.append(query.strip(".")) # tailing query

    new_key = ".".join(new_chain)
    if verbose:
        print(f"{org_key} => {new_key}")
    if virtual_chain is not None:
        virtual_key = ".".join(virtual_chain)

    return new_key, virtual_key, in_virtual_order

[docs]class CommonStructureMap(object): r""" A loading structure map. """ New_Mappings = CoreMappings SpecialModelInverseMaps = { } def __init__(self, backbone_model, strict=True, warning=False, visualize=True): self.matched_pairs = {} self.find_sub_common_structure(backbone_model, matched_pairs=self.matched_pairs) if len(self.matched_pairs) == 0: raise KeyError(MAPPINGERROR_MSG) def __repr__(self,): return self.mapping
[docs] def transform(self, org_key, strict=True, warning=False): r'''Transform a key in the original model to the name convention in common structure. ''' new_key = org_key virtual_key, in_virtual_order = None, None for key in self.matched_pairs: left, right = org_key[:len(key)], org_key[len(key):].strip(".") if left == key and len(right) > 0: transformed_key, virtual_key, in_virtual_order = transform(right, self.matched_pairs[key], strict, warning) if len(left) > 0: new_key = left + "." + transformed_key else: new_key = transformed_key break return new_key, virtual_key, in_virtual_order
def find_sub_common_structure(self, module, prefix='',matched_pairs = []): if module.__class__.__name__ in self.New_Mappings: if self.New_Mappings[module.__class__.__name__]: if callable(self.New_Mappings[module.__class__.__name__]): mapping = self.New_Mappings[module.__class__.__name__](module) else: mapping = self.New_Mappings[module.__class__.__name__] matched_pairs[prefix] = mapping return for name, m in module.named_children(): new_prefix = '.'.join([prefix, name]) if prefix != '' else name self.find_sub_common_structure(m, prefix=new_prefix, matched_pairs = matched_pairs)