Multitask Modeling using OpenDelta

Multitask Serving with Delta-tuning

A huge advange of Delta-tuning is that it can be used for multitask serving. Imagine we have a pretrained model trained on a mix of data coming from multiple languages, e.g.,English, Chinese, and French. Now you want to have seperate models that specialise in Chinese, French, English. We can thus delta-tune three deltas on each language with small amount of additional language-specific data. During serving, when a Chinese sentence comes, you attach the “Chinese Delta”, and next a French sentence comes, you detach the “Chinese Delta”, and attach a “French Delta”.

Here is how to achieve multitask serving using OpenDelta.

from transformers import AutoModelForSequenceClassification
model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("facebook/bart-base")
from opendelta import LoraModel
delta_model = LoraModel(backbone_model=model, modified_modules=['fc2'])
Click to view output

Now we detach the deltas from the backbone

Click to view output

We can reattach the deltas to the backbone

Click to view output

Independence of Different Delta Models

Different delta models will be independent in detaching and attaching. (But the visualization will not show all deltas in the backbone model.)

# continue from the above example
from opendelta import AdapterModel
delta_model2 = AdapterModel(backbone_model=model, modified_modules=['fc1'])
Click to view output

detach the lora delta

delta_model.detach() # detach the lora delta
Click to view output

detach the adapter delta and reattach the lora delta

delta_model2.detach() # detach the adapter delta
delta_model.attach() # reattach the lora delta
Click to view output

BitFit not supported

../_images/todo-icon.jpeg Currently detach is not suitable for BitFit, which modify the requires_grad property. Please wait for future releases.