Source code for opendelta.utils.name_based_addressing

from typing import List, Union
import re
[docs]def superstring_in(str_a: str , list_b: List[str]): r"""check whether there is any string in list b containing str_a. Args: Returns: """ return any(str_a in str_b for str_b in list_b)
[docs]def is_child_key(str_a: str , list_b: List[str]): r"""check whether a string in ``list_b`` is the child key in ``str_a`` Args: Returns: """ return any(str_b in str_a and (str_b==str_a or str_a[len(str_b)]==".") for str_b in list_b)
def endswith_in(str_a: str, list_b: List[str]): return endswith_in_regex(str_a, [b[3:] for b in list_b if b.startswith("[r]")]) or \ endswith_in_normal(str_a, [b for b in list_b if not b.startswith("[r]")])
[docs]def endswith_in_normal(str_a: str , list_b: List[str]): r"""check whether ``str_a`` has a substring that is in list_b. Args: Returns: """ return any(str_a.endswith(str_b) and (str_a==str_b or str_a[-len(str_b)-1] == ".") for str_b in list_b)
[docs]def endswith_in_regex(str_a: str , list_b: List[str]): r"""check whether ``str_a`` has a substring that is in list_b. Args: Returns: """ for str_b in list_b: ret =, str_a) if ret is not None: b = if ret.span()[1] == len(str_a) and (b == str_a or (str_a==b or str_a[-len(b)-1] == ".")): # the latter is to judge whether it is a full sub key in the str_a, e.g. str_a=`attn.c_attn` and list_b=[`attn`] will given False return True return False